Character design for a client's book cover. Design is based in 1920's Flapper fashion, taking reference from authentic 1920's fashion plates, illustrations, and photos. My client wanted her to be space/star themed, so I kept the color palette very limited to let her shine surrounded by gold.

College Project Proposal Slides

Goals and Expectations

Previous Character Designs

Examples of Goals

Other Artists used as Examples

Main 3 Goals For Project

Original Characters Designed (Left: Malron) (Right: Sindyr)

Redesigns Completed for Personal Project

Malron Redesigned Again for Capstone Class (Final Design)

Sindyr Redesigned Again for Capstone Class (Final Design)

Prop Design

Additional Comic for my Senior Thesis
A combination of two semesters of work. For my Senior Capstone, also known as a Senior Thesis Project, I wanted to create a narrative surrounding an exiled King and a Dragon. The King suffers from a curse, and through a series of tragic events, brings him to the doorstep of a Dragon in hiding. I was really inspired by classic fantasy and religious imagery for these designs. I want to revisit these designs now that I have graduated and my creative process has been refined.

Silhouette Exploration for three main characters.

Main Heroine and Villain initial concepts.

Pose Exploration for Main Heroine and her Main Love Interest.



Raoul Poses

Camilia and Phantom's Expressions

Camilia Turnaround Guide

Updated Design for Camilia (Sketch)

Updated Design for Camilia
A project for Character and Environment Design class. The task was to take a classic fairy tale and reimagine it in an original way. I convinced my professor to allow me to reimagine "Phantom of the Opera" instead of a traditional fairy tale. In this version, the "Phantom" haunts a library on a dark and bleak college campus and is "responsible" for mysterious deaths around the area. "Christine", now Camilia, discovers the book that summons the Phantom, thus beginning their relationship. Raoul is Camilia's best friend, but in this version, he is truly the one responsible for the deaths around campus.
During the design process, I couldn't decide on a solid color palette for Camilia and bounced around different hair color ideas several times. I ended up going back to my original vibrant colors. She was originally designed in 2021, and her final artwork was drawn in 2023. I really love these characters and plan on revisiting them again.

Redesign of the "party" character for the Instagram Project done for my Illustration Portfolio Projects class. I really liked my original design, but I started taking a fashion illustration class and became inspired to give her new clothes.

A character design based off of frog anatomy and a fantasy setting. Was a gift for a user during the 2024 Art Fight event.

Head Chef

Two concepts of a nautilus sea Captain.
Three burlesque dancers and the Boss, who is a catfish.
Two of my peers and I started worldbuilding an aquatic society full of anthropomorphic creatures who work in a casino. The central idea is that the casino is inside a whale which travels the vast seas. The setting inside is a combination of casinos, brothels, and kitchens where different groups work in unison.
I want to fully develop this idea into a video game where you play as the Head Chef, cooking several different dishes for different clientele, maintaining relationships aboard the whale ship. It would be a visual novel with a mix of pixel art and digital art.
I want to fully develop this idea into a video game where you play as the Head Chef, cooking several different dishes for different clientele, maintaining relationships aboard the whale ship. It would be a visual novel with a mix of pixel art and digital art.

My professor wanted our class to do an "Instagram project", where we were to draw a new idea every day for 20 days. It was madness. The project was supposed to be similar to "Inktober" challenges. I decided to do a character design challenge based on different prompts for each day. This was extremely difficult.

A Food Truck project! I was tasked to design an original food truck concept: It had to include workers, customers, original food ideas, and iconography. After much consideration, I went with cheese themed food truck run by two mice. They serve a variety of foods which all contain cheese. The two customers are animal versions of characters from television shows I enjoy. The bat is based on Nandor from "What We Do In The Shadows", and the snake is Crowley from "Good Omens".